Page 161 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 161
right through its brain and it van ish es clean away!
Woe with out end for you for what you por tray! (Surat
al-Anbiya': 18)
Say: "Allah is a suf fi cient wit ness between me and
you."' He knows every thing in the heav ens and the
Earth. Those who believe in false hood and reject
Allah, they are the los ers. (Surat al-‘Ankabut: 52)
Say: "The Truth has come. Falsehood can not orig i nate
or regen er ate." (Surah Saba': 49)
Or do they ask, "Has he invent ed a lie about Allah?"
If Allah willed, He could seal up your heart. By His
Words Allah wipes out the false and con firms The
Truth. He knows what the heart con tains. (Surat ash-
Shura: 24)
In any case, the truth always reveals itself and its
supe ri or i ty. Failure to see this—and in par tic u lar, being
part of the sci en tif ic world and still una ble to see this—is
pos si ble only from a desire not to see. Indeed, in the life
of this world the dis tinc tion between the two emer ges.
This is the place where peo ple are test ed for a just weigh -
ing in the Hereafter. This world has been cre at ed to intro -
duce for those who see the exis tence of and appre ci ate
Allah and for those who seek to deny His exis tence and
devi ate onto the path of deni al. In the life of this world,
there is a need for such a com par i son in order for super -
sti tion to be seen as false, and the truth as truth. Never
for get that the pro po nents of super sti tion will inev i ta bly
be van quished and for ignor ing the mag nif i cent cre a tion
and abso lute exis tence of Allah, will receive an unex pect -
ed rec om pense in the Hereafter, whose exis tence they
once doubt ed.