Page 112 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 112

HArun yahya

               body, and a per son would devel op a fever and
               die. Keratin rep re sents the basis of this porous
               struc ture. At the same time, it is by means of
               ker a tin that the skin, in con stant con tact with
               the exter nal envi ron ment, is able to with stand
               var i ous micro or gan isms. Similarly, the pro tec -
               tion of the hair and nails depends on the func -
               tions of this spe cial mol e cule. Although there
               are count less mol e cu les in nature, there is no
               other mol e cule that can replace ker a tin, just
               one of the count less bless ings cre at ed to per -
               form their own spe cial tasks.

                                                     Cross sec tion
                                                       of skin cell
                 Keratin is the sub stance that pro tects the skin and con sti tutes the basis of the skin's
                 porous struc ture. At the same time, it pro tects against exter nal agents. Keratin is just
                 one of the count less bless ings cre at ed to dis charge their respon si bil i ties in nature.

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