Page 107 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 107
lect or con scious ness, we
once again wit ness a
supe ri or and flawless
cre a tion.
In the human body,
glu cose—the brain's
most impor tant source of
fuel—must be present at
a level of 60% in the
blood (or 110 mil li -
gram/dec i li ter or 0.15
ounce/gal lon); and at a
Any change in the spe cif ic quan ti ties of glu -
level of 0.1 mil li gram/dl cose reach ing the brain can have fatal results.
(1,3 x 10 -4 ounce/gal lon)
in tis sues. If some thing
goes wrong and the amount of glu cose reach ing the brain drops below
0.04 mil li gram/dl (5.3 x 10 -5 of an ounce/gal lon), the brain cells become
emit nerve impuls es, caus ing the mus cles to con stant ly con tract. This
leads to death with in a short space of time. 44 The way your life depends
on such mol e cu les is an impor tant indi ca tion of how much human
beings stand in need of Allah, and clear ly reveals our help less ness and
weak ness in the face of His might. Even though we have dif fi cul ty fully
com pre hend ing the sys tems in our own bod ies, we must still real ize the
def i nite exis tence of Allah and under stand that every thing is cre at ed for
a rea son. Every detail in the world makes this clear—all things are in
per fect har mo ny and utter ly flaw less, as is set out in a verse:
It is Allah Who cre at ed the seven heav ens and of the Earth the same
num ber. The Command descend ing down through all of them, so
that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that
Allah encom pass es all things in His knowl edge. (Surat at-Talaq: 12)