Page 102 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 102
HArun yahya
of life. But in fact, it is mean ing less for them to make pro pos als regard -
ing how life evolved when they can not sci en tif i cal ly account for its ori -
gin. The plain truth is that life is too flaw less ly com plex to be account ed
for in terms of chance phe nom e na. Allah reveals the posi tion of these
peo ple who regard coin ci dence as a so-called deity and who search for
cre a tors other than Him:
Do they make things into part ner-gods which can not cre ate any -
thing and are them selves cre at ed; which are not capa ble of help ing
them and can not even help them selves? (Surat al-A‘raf: 191-192)
Whenever "sugar" is men tioned, the first thing that springs to mind
is the sweet gran u lar sub stance stirred into tea or used to bake cakes.
However, the sugar you use in daily life is just one vari e ty of the very
wide range of sugar mol e cu les found in nature and which have a very
broad sphere of use. Sugar mol e cu les are a mem ber of the broad group
called car bo hy drates in the lan guage of chem is try. The sugar mol e cu les
we are exam in ing here are all mem bers of the car bo hy drate group.
Glucose and gly co gen—liv ing things' most impor tant sour ces of
ener gy—the starch that results from pho to syn the sis in plants, and the
cel lu lose that forms the most cell walls in plants, are all actu al ly car bo -
hy drates. In the match less struc ture of cell mem branes there are also
car bo hy drate mol e cu les com bin ing togeth er.
Carbohydrates con sist of car bon, hydro gen and oxy gen atoms.
Hydrogen and oxy gen are present in car bo hy drate mol e cu les in the
same ratios as they are in water.
Glucose: The Body's Basıc Foodstuff
Glucose is the main source of food for all liv ing things. This mol e -
cule pos sess es six car bon atoms, six oxy gen atoms, and twelve hydro -
gen atoms, six of which it uses to make its hex ag o nal exter nal struc ture,