Page 98 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 98
HArun yahya
ducts inside could not be expelled. Could any one of the hun dreds of
dif fer ent mol e cu les with in the cell assume the respon si bil i ties of these
mol e cu les? That is also impos si ble. Every mol e cule inside or out side the
cell is respon si ble for dis charg ing its own func tions. If mol e cu les are
absent from the cell mem brane, their func tions can not be per formed by
any oth ers. They are one of the count less fea tures that we usu al ly are
not aware of, which have been spe cial ly cre at ed to pro tect the cell—and
thus, human life.
The cell mem brane pos sess es other impor tant attrib utes. On its sur -
face there are elec tri cal ly charged areas, by means of which an elec tri cal
poten tial forms between the two sides of the cell mem brane, and the
trans mis sion of infor ma tion along nerve cells to the brain takes place as
a result of this elec tri cal poten tial in the cell mem brane. 38 Signals com -
ing from any where in the body are trans mit ted to the brain by means of
var i ous elec tri cal impuls es. If the mol e cu les did not ini ti ate such elec tri -
cal impuls es; there could be no com mu ni ca tions with in the body. You
could not feel any thing you touched, because what you feel is elec tri cal
sig nals trans mit ted to the brain from your hand. If these sig nals did not
trav el to your brain, you could not per ceive any thing. And it is impos -
si ble to sense any thing that the brain can not per ceive.
The mol e cu les in the cell mem brane can also repair any dam age
that the mem brane might incur. In the event the mem brane is torn or
punc tured in, these mol e cu les imme di ate ly iden ti fy the dam age and
soon repair it. 39 These mol e cu les con stant ly mon i tor the mem brane.
Like other mol e cu les, they too, know their duties and do not inter fere in
any other tasks inside the cell. The absence of these mol e cu les would
mean that impair ments could not be rec ti fied, and that cell dam age
would give rise to var i ous ill ness es, pos si bly fatal. It is impos si ble for
such a mech a nism to come into being by chance. To claim that this sys -
tem has occurred by chance once again shows the total illog i cal dis -
played by evo lu tion ists.