Page 95 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 95


                             Fungus                              Liposome

             The dia grams show cross sec tions of the
             cell mem branes of three dif fer ent struc -
             tures. All the mem branes in these struc -
             tures pos sess mol e cu les equipped with
             very spe cial fea tures. The cell mem brane
             pos sess es molec u lar pri or i ty, through
             which essen tial sub stan ces such as glu -
             cose are admit ted into the cell while harm -
             ful sub stan ces are exclud ed. Also by
             means of this spe cial struc ture, the needs  Two-fold layer
             of the cell are iden ti fied. This is just one of
             the incom pa ra ble mir a cles cre at ed by

             the cell mem brane are very intel li gent in select ing the mate ri als that
             they allow to enter. Different sub stan ces that enter the cell nat u ral ly
             come in dif fer ent sizes—from minute elec trons and pho tons, pro tons
             and ions, to small mol e cu les such as water, medi um-size mol e cu les such
             as amino acids and sugar, and rath er large mol e cu les such as pro tein
             and DNA. By way of its pumps, the cell mem brane can admit a nec es -
             sa ry mol e cule, no mat ter what its size. If the mol e cule is too large to pass
             through these gates, then the mem brane sig nals on enzymes near by for
             assist ance, to widen the gate on the cell mem brane.
                 Once this mol e cule has been admit ted, the enzymes go back into
             action to return the gate to its pre vi ous state. During this proc ess, no
             harm befalls the gate, the cell mem brane, or the cell. The mol e cu les act
             togeth er in a divi sion of labor just as if they were com mu ni cat ing. If
             there were no mol e cu les with such fea tures on the cell mem brane, it
             would def i nite ly mean the end of life. In the absence of these gates,
             nutri ents could not be admit ted to nour ish the cell and the waste pro -

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