Page 92 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 92
HArun yahya
Enzymes accel er ate chem i cal reac tions in the cell. A) Enzymes are glob u lar pro teins
with hol lows in their sur fa ces. This hol low is of a size to har bor the reac tion mol e cu les.
B) The mol e cule to enter the reac tion enters the hol low in the enzyme and ini ti ates the
reac tion. C) In this lock-and-key rela tion ship, the mol e cu les are fixed in their shapes. D)
Chemical bonds break depend ing on the enzyme, and pro ducts are set free. The orig i -
nal enzyme is now free to enter into a reac tion with new mol e cu les.
teins to fall apart. Therefore, the body's sen si tive sys tem is spe cial ly cre -
at ed that all these proc ess es can take place. Any imbal ance in these lev -
els can cause total impair ment of the body's metab o lism.
Don't for get that enzymes are minute col lec tions of atoms, too
small to be seen with the naked eye. The way that one assem blage of
atoms rec og niz es anoth er col lec tion of atoms and deter mines its fea -
tures clear ly shows that it is under the con trol of a sep a rate will.
Evolutionists main tain the exact oppo site, sug gest ing that such con -
scious intent came into being by chance, but when they find them selves
faced with the cell's extraor di na ri ly com plex struc ture, they are per fect -
ly well aware that no such sys tem could ever emerge by chance. Yet as
a result of their world views and deni al of the exis tence of Allah, they
con stant ly seek to reject this truth. Their illog i cal aims are aimed at
reject ing the abso lute exis tence of Allah. In fact, how e ver, every thing