Page 89 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 89


             mus cle and the fibrin o gen mol e cule that per mits blood to clot are mem -
             bers of this group.  31
                 Differences in pro tein struc tures are by them selves evi dence of the
             supe ri or cre a tion of the human body. The two sep a rate pro tein struc -
             tures, with their appro pri ate dif fer ent prop er ties and shapes, are found
             exact ly where need ed. Proteins that give rise to bone tis sue exhib it a
             sound struc ture and are insol u ble in water. If glob u lar pro teins were to
             give rise to bones, then these tis sues would dis solve in the body (which
             con sists of 60% water), and the skel e ton would never be able to sup port
             itself. If the oppo site were to occur—if fibrous pro teins were to be the
             mobile pro teins in the cell, then their hard, resist ant struc tures would
             never be able to func tion. In that case, the enzymes that reg u late the
             body's metab o lism could never form. It is impos si ble for an organ ism
             whose enzymes serve no func tion to sur vive. The dif fer ence between
             two vital ly impor tant pro tein mol e cu les is mere ly their shapes, the
             sequen ces of the atoms that com prise them, and how those atoms are
             bond ed togeth er to deter mine those shapes.
                 The same atoms com bin ing togeth er in dif fer ent shapes and pro -
             duc ing two such dif fer ent results is a mir a cle. Unless you have received
             a suf fi cient level of train ing on the sub ject, you can not pos si bly dis man -
             tle a tel e vi sion, rear range the com po nents in a total ly dif fer ent way and
             come up with a fully func tion ing set. However, very much more com -
             plex proc ess es than that are per formed with in the body. When the same
             atoms that make up one pro tein are bound togeth er dif fer ent ly, they
             form anoth er func tion al pro tein with dif fer ent prop er ties. No error ever
             occurs while all this is tak ing place, and every pro tein knows the pur -
             pose for which it has been man u fac tured, because each one is the impec -
             ca ble work of Almighty Allah.

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