Page 91 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 91


             mol e cule's  struc ture. 33  The  mol e cule's  com plex  three-dimen sion al
             geom e try is whol ly com pat i ble with the enzyme's molec u lar struc ture,
             just like a key fit ting into a lock. When the two mol e cu les clamp togeth -
             er, they can thus inter act with one anoth er. By means of this lock ing sys -
             tem, the enzyme car ries out the chan ges that need to occur in the mol e -
             cule. Thousands of reac tions take place inside the cell, and there are
             thou sands of dif fer ent enzymes to let these chan ges occur. Every
             minute, thou sands of enzymes enter into reac tions in every one of your
             cells. Sometimes a sin gle enzyme car ries out this proc ess, com bin ing
             with 300 dif fer ent mol e cu les a sec ond. In order for enzymes to be active
             so that these reac tions can take place, the body's tem per a ture and pH
             must also be at spe cif ic lev els. Above a cer tain tem per a ture, enzymes
             and pro teins break apart. At the same time this also caus es all the pro -

             Many nerve cells end in a
             spher i cal mass, a glob u lar
             region sur round ed by sen -
             si tive recep tors com pat i -
             ble with chem i cal mol e cu -
             les and known as ace tyl -
             cho line. When an impulse
             forms in the nerves, ace tyl -
             cho line heads direct ly for
             this space and trans mit the
             stim u lus by attach ing to the
             recep tors there. In order for
             this proc ess not to be car ried
             out con stant ly, an enzyme
             known as ace tyl cho line ester -
             ase neu tral iz es the effect of
             the ace tyl cho line in that
             region. This enzyme is an
             impor tant com po nent of
             the  nervous  system,
             essen tial for us to enjoy
             healthy lives.

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