Page 87 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 87


             the same atoms, but not in a par tic u lar order, can not per form its pro tein
             func tions.
                 The pro tein's three-dimen sion al struc ture aris es from the bond ing
             of the atoms that form this mol e cule. Biochemistry and biol o gy text -
             books dis cuss in gen er al ly tech ni cal terms how a reg u lar order emer ges
             in this micro world, and how way that this order endows pro teins with
             impor tant func tion al char ac ter is tics. Yet sci en tists, real iz ing that mol e -
             cu les had been bound togeth er this way for bil lions of years, were
             amazed by this prop er ty that they had dis cov ered only recent ly, and
             began to inquire into the source of this per fec tion.
                 Were per fec tion not com plete, even a sin gle error could elim i nate
             not only the mol e cule, but also the entire organ i za tion which that mol e -
             cule sup ports. The way that uncon scious atoms achieve this per fect
             struc ture is evi dence of the cre a tive art ist ry of our Lord, Who dis plays
             sub lime art ist ry in all that He cre ates. Everyone who exam ines the mag -
             nif i cent micro world pos sessed by a sin gle mol e cule is amazed by its
             impec ca ble  art ist ry.  The  flaw less  struc ture  nec es sa ry  for  life  to  come
             into being appears before us every where, from the small est sub a tom ic
             par ti cles to the uni verse itself. Allah reminds us of His might, great ness,
             supe ri or cre a tion and lack of any defi cien cy in all the enti ties He cre ates,
             down to the small est par ti cle.
                 He reveals this in these terms in His vers es:
                 He Who cre at ed the seven heav ens in lay ers. You will not find any
                 flaw in the cre a tion of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see any
                 gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you daz -
                 zled and exhaust ed! (Surat al-Mulk: 3-4)

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