Page 82 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 82

HArun yahya

               then the other declines. 26  All mol e cu les per form impor tant func tions in
               the body, which they dis charge com plete ly, inas much as the pur pose
               behind their cre a tion is to serve as vehi cles for human life.

                    Water Comprıses More Than Half of Your Body

                    The water mol e cule, of such impor tance to the world, also reveals
               its impor tance in the human body. In the human body, water is dis trib -
               ut ed in an appro pri ate and pur pose ful man ner among the var i ous
               organs and tis sues. Not a sin gle organ or tis sue in your body does not
               con tain water. While there is only a small amount of water in the teeth
               and bones, it occurs in much larg er quan ti ties in the mus cles, the kid -
               neys, the liver, blood, the cor nea of the eye, and other "soft" tis sues. In
               fact, 98% of the cor nea, 79% of the blood and 77% of mus cles is water.
               Therefore, no organ can sur vive with out a reg u lar sup ply of water to the
                    Water can be present in bound or free forms. When bound, it loses
               its abil i ty to flow and remains motion less in metab o lism. In its free state,
               it gen er al ly con sti tutes the fluid inside the cell and veins and the extra -
               cel lu lar fluid fill ing the spa ces between cells. Large mol e cu les such as
               pro teins, car bo hy drates and nucle ic acids also con tain water. Bound
               water, known as inter mo lec u lar water, is found between fibers and
               mem branes.
                    Water has var i ous dis tin guish ing fea tures; it is found in three dif -
               fer ent states, and has delib er ate ly deter mined boil ing and freez ing
               points, and is attached by means of hydro gen bonds. Water is a spe cial
               mol e cule that is found in every organ elle in the body and serves many
               func tions, from trans port ing nutri ents to form ing var i ous struc tures. It
               can eas i ly enter and be expelled from the body. Inside cells, it con sti -
               tutes an envi ron ment where reac tions deal ing with enzymes and chem -
               i cal ener gy trans fers can occur. The cell's struc ture and func tions dem -
               on strate  com plete  com pat i bil i ty  with  water's  phys i cal  and  chem i cal
               prop er ties. In short, the liv ing body is an ideal envi ron ment for water to
               be present in var i ous forms.

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