Page 80 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 80
HArun yahya
Mutations, which gen er al ly have fatal results or else total ly destroy
the cell's func tion, arise from the break ing of these ester bonds among
the nucle ot i des. 25 Within the mol e cule, how e ver, this bind ing is so
strong that such impair ment rare ly hap pens. The enzyme mol e cu les
inside DNA imme di ate ly act to pre vent the pos si bil i ty of such defects
aris ing. Inside such a com plex sys tem, the pres ence of anoth er pro tec -
tive pre cau tion is a sep a rate and utter ly amaz ing fact.
The human DNA mol e cule con tains enough infor ma tion to fill a
mil lion-page ency clo pe dia. This infor ma tion com pris es every thing to
do with you, from the color of your hair to your blood group, from how
tall you are to the struc ture of your bones and the activ i ties of the
enzymes that serve your metab o lism in a most order ly man ner. All this
and more is packed into this flaw less mol e cule. But what exact ly all this
infor ma tion is packed into?
mol e cule con -
tains enough
infor ma tion to fill a mil -
lion encyclo pe dia
pages. This infor ma -
tion "explains" every -
thing to do with you.
Everything, from your
hair color to your
blood group, from your
height to your bone
struc ture, has been
implant ed in this data
bank—which in fact is
a mol e cule invis i ble to
the naked eye.