Page 75 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 75
elec trons as indi vid u al stones. You can arrange these stones in dif fer ent
pat terns—side by side, top one anoth er, or in a line. You can put them
all togeth er or sep a rate them, but what ev er organ i za tion you impose on
them will not impart any new qual i ties to these stones. Even when you
come up with a per fect sequence, these stones will not begin to think,
speak, or sing. In the same way, the dif fer ent organ i za tion of atoms and
the par ti cles that com prise them will not give them any fea ture that they
did not already pos sess. It can not bring them to life. It can not turn them
into think ing, speak ing liv ing human beings.
Despite the mate ri al ists' claims to the con tra ry, they cannot pro vide
any exper i men tal evi dence. In other words, to con sti tute a basis for their
claim, they need to be able to take inan i mate mat ter, orga nize it, and
pro duce a liv ing enti ty from it—as they assert took place in the past,
when life on Earth first began to appear. In fact, sci en tists have never
man aged to do such a thing. And its impos si bil i ty is so plain that they
have aban doned any attempt to cre ate life from inan i mate sub stan ces.
In short, the idea that life can emerge through the mere organ i za -
tion of atoms flies in the face of both logic and the sci en tif ic facts. All
obser va tions and exper i ments con firm what Allah tells us in the Qur'an:
. . . Those whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to cre -
ate a sin gle fly, even if they were to join togeth er to do it. And if a
fly steals some thing from them, they can not get it back. How fee ble
are both the seek er and the sought! (Surat al-Hajj: 73)
2) Additionally, no force or mech a nism in nature could orga nize
atoms. The proc ess mate ri al ists refer to as evo lu tion has never been
observed, and not the slight est evi dence for it has ever been found. It is
sim ply a myth. No chem i cal proc ess, nucle ar reac tion or phys i cal event has
been seen to orga nize atoms into estab lish ing the com plex sys tems present
in liv ing things. Certain chem i cal phe nom e na that Darwinists mis lead ing -
ly refer to as "self-organ i za tion" (such as crys tal li za tion, entro py decrease in
open sys tems, etc.) are in fact mere ly exam ples of sim ple order ing. It is per -
fect ly obvi ous that these can never account for the ori gins of the com plex
sys tems essen tial for life. (See Harun Yahya's Darwinism Refuted.)