Page 74 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 74
HArun yahya
The Molecules That Build the Cell
Your body con sists entire ly of mol e cu les. Your eyes, hands, brain,
mus cles, the genes that deter mine all the phys i cal char ac ter is tics, your
cells and the pro teins that per mit those cells to live are all assem bla ges
of mol e cu les. Similar col lec tions of mol e cu les are also present in
nature—in the soil, for instance, in stones, rocks and met als. But unlike
you, these are not alive. Your body con sists of atoms, as does the soil
you walk on. So what makes you dif fer ent from that soil?
A mate ri al ist will reply, "The atoms that com prise a human being
are bet ter orga nized. That is the only dif fer ence." He will sug gest that
this organ i za tion was car ried out by nature itself, dur ing the proc ess he
refers to as evo lu tion.
In fact, how e ver, such as claim goes against all the obser va tions
and exper i ments per formed on this sub ject, and also flies in the face of
logic. Because:
1) In terms of prop er ties, there is no dif fer ence between the
atoms that make up inan i mate objects and those that com prise your
body or other liv ing things. Therefore, the fact that one set is bet ter
orga nized does not impart to them any new qual i ties. As an anal o gy,
think of the sub a tom ic par ti cles
such as pro tons, neu trons and
Your body and the ground you walk on
both con sist of atoms. This does not
mean, how e ver, that the atoms that com -
prise inan i mate sub stan ces orga nize
and come to life on their own. Therefore,
the ori gin of liv ing things does not lie in
atoms com bin ing togeth er. There is a
most sub lime inter ven tion, cre a tion and
power at the ori gin of liv ing things—the
cre a tion of Almighty Allah.