Page 76 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 76

HArun yahya

                    These facts lead to a most impor tant con clu sion: It's impos si ble for the
               atoms that con sti tute inan i mate sub stan ces to come to life, either by evolv -
               ing or through human inter ven tion. The ori gin of liv ing things can not,
               there fore, lie in these atoms com bin ing. There is a sub lime inter ven tion,
               cre a tion and power in the ori gin of liv ing things.
                    This is Almighty Allah's cre a tion. Indeed, in the Qur'an, He draws
               our atten tion to the fact that He gives life to inan i mate things:
                    . . . He brings forth the liv ing from the dead, and pro du ces the dead
                    out of the liv ing. That is Allah, so how are you per vert ed? (Surat al-
                    An'am: 95)
                    Giving life to inan i mate mat ter is a super nat u ral event—in other
               words a mir a cle, and belongs to Allah alone. Another mir a cle that
               belongs to Him alone is the way that one of these liv ing things is given
               a soul with a high level of spe cial con scious ness, in con trast to all the
               oth ers. That human soul is a bless ing from Allah. As is revealed in Surat
               as-Sajda verse 9, Allah first cre at ed the human body and then breathed
               His Own soul into it.
                    Therefore, two sep a rate ele ments make humans human: their bod ies
               com posed of atoms, and the souls breathed into them by Allah.
               Materialists, who imag ine that human beings are mere ly mat ter con sist ing
               of atoms, are put in a ter ri ble impasse by of this belief to which they adhere
               so blind ly.

                    Can a Molecule Contaın Informatıon?
                    In order for mol e cu les to have come to life spon ta ne ous ly, as mate -
               ri al ists claim, they would need to com bine in a flaw less organ i za tion,
               agree to a divi sion of labor among them selves, con tain infor ma tion
               with in them selves, never make any mis takes, know how to per form
               such func tions as diges tion and res pi ra tion, both flaw less ly and con -
               stant ly, and most impor tant of all, be able to plan and actu al ly think.
               That is because we are deal ing with a sin gle mol e cule, a sub lime cre a -
               tion that exhib its a great er intel li gence than all the human beings who
               have ever lived, and pos sess es infor ma tion that sur pas ses human com -
               pre hen sion.

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