Page 81 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 81


                 The infor ma tion in DNA is record ed in let ters, just like in a book.
             A book in English con sists of 26 sep a rate let ters laid out side by side to
             impart infor ma tion. The let ters in DNA, on the other hand, are the four
             nucle ot i des that com prise this giant mol e cule: The Adenine, Thymine,
             Guanine and Cytosine are referred to as A, T, G and C for short. When
             hun dreds of these four mol e cu les are taken togeth er, what emer ges are
             long, mean ing ful "sen ten ces" or genes, which describe how proc ess es in
             the body will be per formed, and which encode the need ed data for these
             to occur.
                 The ori gin of the data in DNA is anoth er dilem ma that mate ri al ists
             can not resolve. They can not account for the infor ma tion encod ed in this
             mol e cule in terms of any nat u ral mech a nism. All obser va tions and
             exper i ments show that infor ma tion derives from a con scious enti ty. The
             infor ma tion in DNA is the work of Almighty Allah, the Creator of all
             life. Our Lord's cre a tive art ist ry and infi nite might are explained in these
             terms in vers es of the Qur'an:
                 That is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but Him, the Creator of
                 every thing. So wor ship Him. He is respon si ble for every thing.
                 Eyesight can not per ceive Him but He per ceives eye sight. He is the
                 All-Penetrating, the All-Aware. (Surat al-An' am: 102-103)

                 Other Lıfe-Gıvıng Molecules
                 Our bod ies are made up of mol e cu les like DNA, hav ing a great
             many other supe ri or attrib utes. Just about all the mol e cu les in your
             body are hydro car bons, con sist ing of hydro gen and car bon atoms. In
             hydro car bons, the main molec u lar back bone is formed of car bon atoms,
             tight ly attached to one anoth er by cova lent bonds, which make the car -
             bon back bone very strong.
                 The mol e cule found in the larg est quan ti ties in the body is water,
             at a level of 55 to 60%, fol lowed by organ ic (car bon-based) mol e cu les at
             a level of 30 to 35% and inor gan ic mol e cu les at 5%. Organic mol e cu les
             main ly con sist of lip ids—fats and pro teins. Fat and water mol e cu les are
             inverse ly pro por tion ate to one anoth er. While one of them increas es,

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