Page 83 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 83


                                                      Outside of cell

                                                     Cell mem brane

                                                                        Inside of cell

             Being a spe cial mol e cule, water can be found in every organ elle in the body and serves
             in a great many ways, from trans port ing nutri ents to form ing var i ous struc tures. The
             cells are com plete ly com pat i ble with water's phys i cal and chem i cal prop er ties, so that
             water can enter the cell with out dif fi cul ty and be expelled in the same way.

                 Water accom plish es exceed ing ly impor tant func tions through out
             the body main ly through ion i za tion—the proc ess of an elec tron leav ing
             or join ing an atom that com pris es the mol e cule. The water enter ing the
             body is sep a rat ed into hydro gen ions (H+) and hydrox ide ions (OH)—
             a divi sion of vital impor tance, because the H and OH lev els for the cells
             have been pre de ter mined, and the lev els of ions in the blood—
             expressed as pH val ues—need to be kept con stant.
                 The body's pH is exceed ing ly impor tant. In nature, pH value can
             range from 0 to 14 but in the body, it must remain around the 7.4 level.
             If this level falls to 6.8 or rises to 8.0, the result is death.  27
                 Renal insuf fi cien cy, or kid ney fail ure, is the main rea son why
             some one can not main tain a nor mal blood pH level. The sur pris ing and

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