Page 88 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 88

HArun yahya

                    The Superıor Structure of the Proteın Molecule
                    Protein mol e cu les are of two types, depend ing on their char ac ter is -
               tics. The first, fibrous pro teins, exhib it a reg u lar struc ture around an
               axis. They are found in bone tis sue and ten dons con nect ing mus cle to
               bone. Fibrous pro teins are insol u ble in water and have an excep tion al ly
               resist ant phys i cal struc ture.
                    In the sec ond group, known as glob u lar pro teins, the amino acid
               chain bends in an irreg u lar man ner and assumes a spher i cal shape.
               These pro teins are sol u ble in water, and are not phys i cal ly resist ant. You
               might con sid er this to a dis ad van tage, but in fact this weak struc ture is
               of enor mous impor tance for the human body. The cell's glob u lar pro -
               teins are able to move. Almost all the 2,000 known enzymes, anti bod ies,
               some hor mones and hemo glo bin all have glob u lar pro tein struc tures.
               Some pro teins exhib it both fibrous and glob u lar char ac ter is tics: Even if
               they resem ble fibrous pro teins in their struc ture, they have glob u lar
               pro teins' abil i ty to dis solve in saline solu tions. The myo sin in skel e tal

                           Blood cells
                                                                Hemoglobin mol e cule

               In glob u lar pro teins, the amino acid chain bends irreg u lar ly to assume a spher i cal
               shape. Almost all the known enzymes, anti bod ies, some hor mones and hemo glo bin
               have a glob u lar pro tein struc ture. Globular pro teins are sol u ble in water and not phys i -
               cal ly resist ant. These mobile struc tures we have list ed can only serve a pur pose with a
               pro tein struc ture with the fea tures in ques tion.

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