Page 90 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 90
HArun yahya
All Supervısıon of the Body Lıes wıth Enzymes
Some pro teins have an enzyme struc ture and reg u late metab o lism
by con stant ly tak ing part in chem i cal reac tions inside the cell. There are
more than 3,500 enzymes in a human cell. 32 In the event that even one
or a few these are miss ing, intra cel lu lar activ i ties may become total ly
jum bled. The result of that would be the frag men ta tion of the cell—in
other words death.
Enzymes' most impor tant duty is to assist in cop y ing of the DNA
mol e cule. In addi tion, these intel li gent mol e cu les are con stant ly at work
inside your body to ensure that you can breathe, stand up, eat, see,
speak, grow and devel op. Large mol e cu les pro duced accord ing to the
genet ic codes record ed in DNA by an organ elle inside the cell known as
the ribo some send the rel e vant mes sa ges to their prop er des ti na tions
with in the body, know which organ has to go into action to achieve a
par tic u lar proc ess, remove excess sub stan ces from inside the cells and
con stant ly trav el about in the body to oper ate. These mol e cu les all serve
as high ly com pe tent super vi sors.
The only dif fer ence between an enzyme mol e cule and any other
pro tein mol e cule lies in their three-dimen sion al shapes. If enzymes did
not pos sess a three-dimen sion al form that deter mines their fea tures,
then there could be no super vi sion of intra-cel lu lar proc ess es. The trans -
mis sion of infor ma tion from the brain via nerves to the var i ous organs,
and many other proc ess es nec es sa ry for life, could not take place. The
absence of a sin gle enzyme to cor rect any errors that occur dur ing the
rep li ca tion of DNA might result in a gene with no func tion or, even
worse, to give rise to can cer. Enzymes' way of affect ing var i ous proc ess -
es by reach ing dif fer ent parts of the body is yet anoth er molec u lar mir -
a cle. The enzyme must recog nize the mol e cule that car ries news to it, or
which it caus es to change or set in motion. From the mol e cule's shape
and struc ture, the enzyme under stands what kind of reac tion this mol -
e cule might under go. Having recog nized this mol e cule, it now ini ti ates
a reac tion and brings about a num ber of char ac ter is tic chan ges in the