Page 93 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 93
cre at ed by Allah clear ly indi cates His exis tence and great ness.
Professor Cemal Yildirim, one of Turkey's fore most pro po nents of
the the o ry of evo lu tion, has open ly stat ed the impos si bil i ty of life com -
ing into exis tence spon ta ne ous ly. He con sid ers the improb a bil i ty of any
enzyme mol e cule com ing into being out side the cell by chance:
A typ i cal enzyme con sists of 100 amino acids. Since there are 20
amino acids, we are talk ing about 20100 com bi na tions. The odds of
a spe cif ic enzyme com ing into being by chance—in one go, with in
that many com bi na tions—is 1 in 10 130 34
Professor Ali Demirsoy, an evo lu tion ist molec u lar biol o gist, can not
hide his amaze ment in the cal cu la tion of the prob a bil i ties of enzyme for -
ma tion:
An enzyme con sists of an aver age of 100 amino acids. The num ber
of com bi na tions result ing from an enzyme con sist ing of 100 amino
acids with 20 amino acids is 20 100 . Bearing in mind that the num -
ber of atoms in the uni verse is 10 80 and that the num ber of sec onds
that have passed since the for ma tion of the uni verse is 10 , then
you can see how small the odds are of an enzyme with a spe cif ic
sequence com ing into being are. So how did enzymes come into
being? 35
One ref er ence sets out the impos si bil i ty of enzymes com ing into
being spon ta ne ous ly by the use of the fol low ing cal cu la tion:
It is esti mat ed by one evo lu tion ist [Fred Hoyle] that there are 2,000
dif fer ent com plex types of enzymes in a liv ing organ ism. Not one
of them could be formed by ran dom, shuf fling proc ess es in even 20
bil lion years! 36
Remember that there are more atoms in a sin gle peri od on this
page than there are stars in our gal axy. The num ber of atoms in the uni -
verse is 10 . This is a num ber far beyond human con cep tion—80 zeroes
com ing after 10. Therefore, the 1 in 10 130 prob a bil i ty of an enzyme of 100
amino acids com ing into being spon ta ne ous ly is, in prac ti cal math e mat -
i cal terms, zero. In other words, it is not pos si ble. In the face of this, it is