Page 96 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 96
Molecules strike one anoth er at
High-con cen tra tion ran dom in the high-con cen tra tion
region region.
Cell mem brane Those that strike
Low-con cen tra - trans mit the spread ing mol e -
tion region cule to the low-con cen tra tion
mol e cule A dis solved mol e cule attach -
Transport es to the open, bond ing
pro tein region on the trans port pro -
Binding tein in the cell mem brane.
ATP trans fers phos phate to
the trans port pro tein.
Exterior of cell
The phos phat ed trans port
pro tein chan ges shape
opens and depos its the dis -
solved mol e cule in the cell.
The phos phate leaves the
trans port pro tein, which
returns to its orig i nal form. It
is now ready to trans port
anoth er dis solved mol e cule.
bind ing
Glycolipid pro tein