Page 99 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 99

The cell mem brane also plays an impor -
             tant role in the trans mis sion of data with -
             in the body. Due to the elec tri cal ly
             charged areas on the cell mem brane, an
             elec tri cal poten tial forms between the
             mem brane's two sides. This poten tial ini -
             ti ates an elec tri cal cur rent, which per -
             mits infor ma tion to be trans mit ted along
             the nerves to the brain.


                                 Synapse region
                                    Synapse sac                In the absence of this
                                                               impor tant  electri cal
                                     Synapse                   cur rent between the
                                                               cells, ini ti at ed by the
                                                               mol e cu les, there could
                                                               be no com mu ni ca tion
                                                                with in  the  body.
                                                                 Therefore,  every-
                                                     Impulse trans mit ters
                                                                 thing you feel, see or
             Open recep tor                                     taste results from this
                                                                 elec tri cal  current,
             Impulse trans mit ters
                                                          Synapse  pro duced by the sub -
                                                                 lime cre a tion in the
                                                                 cell mem brane.
                                                         Synaptic gap

                                                   Na+ ions
                                        chan nel

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