Page 94 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 94
HArun yahya
also math e mat i cal ly impos si ble that a sin gle enzyme, select ed from
among the mil lions of spe cial mol e cu les in the body, can have come into
exis tence by chance.
The Cell Membrane Is a Perfect Protectıve Sheath
The molec u lar struc ture of the cell mem brane is a chief focus of
present-day research by cell biol o gists and bio chem ists. This is because
the cell mem brane is an exceed ing ly com plex organ elle with impor tant
bio log i cal fea tures and a spe cif ic, well orga nized struc ture, equipped for
the pro tec tion and nutri tion of the cell and all the proc ess it car ries out.
The cell mem brane is equipped with rath er impor tant attrib utes for the
pro tec tion and nutri tion of the cell and all the proc ess it car ries out
reveal great intel li gence. Although many impor tant fea tures have been
dis cov ered, all the func tions of the cell mem brane remain a mys tery to
this day.
The cell mem brane con sists bas i cal ly of fat and pro tein mol e cu les,
yet in it there are also struc tures—ion and mol e cule pumps—with very
dif fer ent char ac ter is tics and from these struc tures arise the mirac u lous
aspect of the cell mem brane. These micro scop ic pumps are respon si ble
for the cell mem brane's select ive ly per me a ble struc ture, which admits
only cer tain sub stan ces from out side the cell. 37 The cell mem brane's
pumps absorb such nutri ents as glu cose and also ensure that pos si ble
harm ful or excess sub stan ces are removed from the cell, while harm ful
out side sub stan ces are pre vent ed from enter ing. This flaw less struc ture
also iden ti fies the cell's needs and allows to enter no more nutri ents than
are nec es sa ry. In short, this mirac u lous mem brane dis plays intel li gence
by select ing and eval u at ing other mol e cu les, mak ing deci sions and per -
form ing a task that one would not expect of it. As an exam ple of just
how essen tial this fea ture of the cell mem brane is, the rea son why snake
venom can be lethal is that it breaks down the cell mem brane, thus
allow ing all kinds of harm ful sub stan ces to enter.
The molec u lar pumps and the gates that per mit pas sage through