Page 104 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 104
HArun yahya
va starts break ing them down. The diges tion of these par tial ly bro ken-
down mol e cu les ends in the intes tines, and the glu cose mol e cu les that
emerge as a result cause blood pres sure to rise. However, blood pres -
sure is bal anced by means of the enzymes that act on the glu cose mol e -
cu les. In short, one mol e cule cru cial for the body is kept in bal ance by
anoth er spe cial ly cre at ed mol e cule.
Even if glu cose is present in excess quan ti ties in the blood stream, it
is not wast ed. By means of an enzyme known as glu cok i nase, excess glu -
cose mol e cu les are turned into a form known as gly co gen
and then stored. This enzyme is pro duced by the liver,
and its pro duc tion is con trolled of a hor mone known
as insu lin, secret ed by the pan cre as. 43 The gly co gen
pro duced is ever ready for use when the body
needs ener gy.
We take in car bo hy drate from 70% of the food we eat.
Partly digest ed car bo hy drates in the mouth are sent to the
intes tines to be fully bro ken down. The glu cose mol e cu les
that emerge as a result are kept in bal ance by means of
enzymes. This glu cose mol e cule, so vital to the body, is
main tained in equi lib ri um with a spe cial ly cre at ed sys tem.