Page 106 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 106

HArun yahya

                                      Sodium, amino acids and glu cose enter the cell through
                                                 active trans port.

               Glucose, the cells' most
               impor tant nutri ent, is car -
               ried through the body via
               blood ves sels. Glucose   Amino acids, glu cose and sodi um leave
                                         the cell and enter the blood ves sels.
               can be trans port ed in
               this way due to its being
               sol u ble in water. This
               once again shows the
               sub lime nature of Allah's
               cre a tion.

                    The body's metab o lism oper ates much like a fac to ry, with var i ous
               units that engage in pro duc tion, trans port pro ducts to spe cif ic des ti na -
               tions, check them, iden ti fy sur plus es and use them for other pro ducts.
               All pro duc tion must be under strict super vi sion, so that no errors in pro -
               duc tion ever occur, and faulty pro ducts are bro ken down and used to
               form new pro ducts. In a fac to ry, it's trained human beings who under -
               stand qual i ty con trol, mon i tor the man u fac tur ing, and per form all these
               proc ess es. However, the sys tem we are describ ing here occurs inside
               cells, mere microns in size (1 micron equals 1 x 10  -3  mil li me ters, or 4 x
               10  -5 of an  inch), inside your own body. Neither the mol e cu les nor the cel -
               lu lar struc tures that act with them pos sess intel li gence, knowl edge, or
               train ing. Neither does any amount of time need to pass for all these
               proc ess es. These per fect sys tems got under way in the exact way they do
               now, at the moment you were born. For thou sands of years, before sci -
               ence was even aware of it, this per fect divi sion of labor has been flaw -
               less ly imple ment ed. Every mol e cule has dis charged its respon si bil i ties
               in every human who has ever lived. Moreover, this sys tem at ic divi sion
               of labor and extraor di na ry organ i za tion oper ate in your body at every
               moment, with out your aware ness. Since mol e cu les can not pos sess intel -

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