Page 109 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 109
Keratin: An Intelligent Molecule in Our Bodies
The 20 amino acids are attached to one anoth er by pep tide bonds,
and these bonds con sti tute the pol y pep tide chain. This bond ing comes
about in the liv ing cell not through ran dom inan i mate coin ci den ces, but
by means of inter ven tion via spe cial enzymes and organ elles. Keratin is
a long amino acid chain, in other words pro tein. The pol y pep tide chains
that con sti tute ker a tin are bound to one anoth er by sul fur bridge. Sulfur
bridg es are found among amino acids con tain ing sul fur atoms and these
bonds take the form of tiny threads, which sub se quent ly grow in size
and give rise to the cell.
All these tech ni cal descrip tions given above actu al ly define a hair
cell. A sin gle hair on your head aris es from an accu mu la tion of these
cells. In other words, a hair is noth ing more than ker a tin mol e cu les
attached by sul fur bridg es. Any change in your hair leads to these sul -
fur bonds break ing. For exam ple, wav ing or straight en ing hair through
var i ous proc ess es are actu al ly chan ges these micro scop ic molec u lar
(Below) Image of hair
mol e cule seen under a
micro scope