Page 108 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 108
HArun yahya
The Atoms Comprısıng Glucose Are Sometımes
Bonded ın Dıfferent Ways
Glucose may take the form of dif fer ent sugar mol e cu les by bond -
ing dif fer ent ly. One of these is fruc tose, the fruit sugar wide ly found in
fruit and veg e ta bles, and the mol e cule that gives
fruit its sweet taste. Fructose is also the main
sugar sub stance in honey, because the
flow ers from which bees gath er nec tar
are all sour ces of fruc tose. This mol e -
cule also has anoth er impor tant prop -
er ty: It's the sugar that gives sperm
cells the ener gy to move along their
long and mirac u lous jour ney. 45
Another sugar molecule—
sucrose, emer ges when glu cose and
fruc tose com bine togeth er. Sucrose is
the pow dered sugar you use in daily
life, and is par tic u lar ly found in sugar
cane and sugar beets. Sucrose also con sti -
tutes the struc tur al ele ment in starch and
cel lu lose, found also in all plants. That
Sucrose, an impor tant prod uct of pho to syn -
the sis, appears as a com pound in leaves and is
trans mit ted to all other regions of the plant.
Due to its own molec u lar prop er ties, sucrose is
trans mit ted to the fur thest roots and leaves with -
out under go ing any struc tur al chan ges. 46
Nourishment can thus eas i ly reach any point in
the plant.