Page 103 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 103


             from  which  stem  glu cose's  most  impor tant  molec u lar  char ac ter is tics.
             The six oxy gen atoms it pos sess es also impart other impor tant molec u -
             lar fea tures, ena bling glu cose to dis solve eas i ly in water. By means of its
             oxy gen atoms, this mol e cule can eas i ly estab lish hydro gen bonds with
             water mol e cu les, and imme di ate ly dis solves in water.
                 This prop er ty of glu cose is most impor tant, because as the most
             impor tant source of nour ish ment for cells, glu cose must be sol u ble in
             order to be car ried by the blood stream.
             Glucose can be com pared with hex ane,
             which close ly resem bles its own molec u -
             lar struc ture and bears a close resem -
             blance to glu cose in many respects, par -
             tic u lar ly as a fuel. However, hex ane
             does not carry oxy gen atom, so when it
             oxi diz es, it gives rise to many new,
             pow er ful  car bon-oxy gen  bonds.  This
             pre vents  hex ane  from  dis solv ing  in
             water. That is why blood cannot carry hex -
             ane to the cells. Under nor mal con di tions, glu -
             cose is less effi cient than hex ane, but being trans -
             port a ble in liq uid, it is of vital impor tance to ani mals and plants.
                 Glucose, spe cial ly cre at ed for life, is the fun da men tal sub stance
             found in ripe fruit, flow er nec tar and the sap of plants. Once glu cose
             mol e cu les enter solu tion, they imme di ate ly become the essen tial fuel for
             liv ing cells. When larg er mol e cu les, such as the more com plex sug ars
             and starch es, are digest ed, they are bro ken down into glu cose mol e cu -
             les in order to be burned and trans port ed to the cells more eas i ly. In this
             way, glu cose names as blood sugar, grape sugar or starch sugar, accord -
             ing to the metab o lism it enters. Glucose, spe cial ly cre at ed for life, is the
             fun da men tal sub stance found in ripe fruit, flow er nec tar, leaf sap, and
             the blood flow ing in the human body.  42
                 We take in car bo hy drates from 70% of the food we eat.
             Carbohydrate diges tion starts in the mouth, where the enzymes in sali -

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