Page 100 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 100

HArun yahya

                    Also on the cell mem brane, there are recep tor mol e cu les capa ble of
               per ceiv ing  var i ous  kinds  of  infor ma tion  arriv ing  from  out side.  These
               recep tors con sist of var i ous pro teins with a mosa ic-like struc ture, and
               high ly  sen si tive  to  hor mones  and  data-bear ing  mol e cu les  inside  the
               body. 40  This infor ma tion, again, is encod ed by the shape of the data-
               bear ing mol e cule. When its shape is com pat i ble with the pro teins on the
               sur face of the cell, the two mol e cu les recog nize one anoth er, and com -
               mu ni ca tions are thus estab lished.

                    Molecules Coming to Life Confirm Creation

                    Any sin gle mis take in a mol e cule may harm you or even lead to
               your death. Yet all these mol e cu les clear ly dem on strate that they are
               under the com mand of a supe ri or Intellect and so, never make any
               errors in their activ i ties. The 100 tril lion DNA mol e cu les in your body
               and the 100 tril lion cells that con tain them 41  and make you unique, the
               nucle ot i des that give rise to DNA, the pro teins that com pose the cell, the
               enzymes that so per fect ly reg u late the traf fic between them, all pos sess
               an incom pa ra bly sub lime organ i za tion and order.
                    Clearly, in this micro scop ic world that can not be seen by the naked
               eye, a human being's ration al, con scious mind can't pos si bly result from
               any ran dom com bi na tion of atoms and mol e cu les. It would also be illog -
               i cal to claim that atoms can bond in the nec es sa ry man ner, deter mine
               func tions  for  them selves,  order  them selves  accord ing ly  and  man age
               tasks that even bio chem ists can not accom plish. How did inan i mate and
               uncon scious atoms come to life and acquire con scious ness? This impor -
               tant ques tion pla ces Darwinists and other mate ri al ists in a major dilem -
               ma that leads them to ques tion their ide ol o gies.
                    Even if all the sci en tif ic experts who ever lived made use of all pos -
               si ble tech no log i cal means, they could still not pro duce a liv ing organ ism
               sim ply by bring ing atoms togeth er. The sophis ti ca tion clear ly evi dent at
               the molec u lar level pre sents an impasse for Darwinists. Their state -
               ments and pub li ca tions keep relat ing sce nar i os the chance devel op ment

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