Page 84 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 84

HArun yahya

               mirac u lous fact is that only one out of every 10 mil lion water mol e cu les
               enter ing the body is ion ized. 28  If for any rea son, not a sin gle water mol -
               e cule is ion ized, death will ensue soon er or later. No mat ter how much
               effort may be expand ed, no earth ly power can repro duce this per fect
               sys tem. A sin gle ion ized water mol e cule is the per fect level deter mined
               for the human body. This del i cate cre a tion is one of the proofs of Allah's
               match less art ist ry. In one verse, He reveals:
                    Everyone on [the face of the Earth] will pass away; but the Face of
                    your Lord will remain, Master of Majesty and Generosity. So which
                    of your Lord's bless ings do you both then deny? Everyone in the
                    heav ens and earth requests His aid. Every day He is engaged in
                    some affair. So which of your Lord's bless ings do you both then
                    deny? (Surat ar-Rahman: 26-30)

                    Amıno Acıds and Proteıns:
                    The Most Important Buıldıng Materıals

                    If pro teins are like build ings, then amino acids are the bricks of
               those build ings. There are 20 kinds of amino acid in nature, and these
               amino acids are bound to each other in a par tic u lar sequence for each
               pro tein. This bond ing is unique for each pro tein, which con tains at least
               300 amino acids. 29  For exam ple, in the man u fac ture of a sin gle pro tein,
               the amino acid called gly cine joins the sequence in 20 or 30 pla ces. The
               sequen cing of these amino acids are flaw less, since a pro tein mol e cule
               can serve its pur pose only so long as it pos sess es that exact sequence.
               The slight est error in that sequence will result in a use less assort ment of
               mol e cu les. Yet gen er al ly, we never encoun ter such an even tu al i ty thing.
               Amino acids always com bine in a per fect order to ful fill their func tions
               in form ing pro tein mol e cu les.
                    The 20 amino acids in pro tein mol e cu les all share a sim i lar struc -
               ture. Each amino acid con tains a car bon based car box yl group and an
               amino group. The only dif fer ence between these amino acids, oth er wise
               iden ti cal in terms of struc ture, is their side chains. Because of the dif fer -
               ent atoms and bonds com pos ing these side chains, the amino acids pos -

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