Page 79 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 79

Nitrogen bases
                pro duce hydro gen
                bonds that join the
                DNA arms. T pairs
                 form two bonds
                with A pairs, and G
                 pairs form three
                  bonds with C

                      Due to its hydro gen bonds, the
                      DNA helix is excep tion al ly reg -
                       u lar, and the DNA mol e cule
                      makes very reg u lar turns. The
                       cova lent ester bonds in the
                      back bone give this mol e cule a
                      strong struc ture and pre vent its
                       break ing or stretch ing, even
                      though it is tight ly fold ed in the
                       cell nucle us. Through these
                       two dif fer ent bonds, DNA is
                      suf fi cient ly mobile and strong
                       to per form all its func tions.

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