Page 71 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 71
Carbon can estab lish
strong cova lent bonds
with other car bon
atoms. Since these
bonds are very strong
and sound, they per mit
very large and long
mol e cu les to form.
Carbohydrates are
some of the most vital
of these mol e cu les.
of even a small tem per a ture range. Therefore, if such a change were to
pre vail over the whole world life would dis ap pear. This is one of the
most impor tant proofs that a spe cial cre a tion exists in the world. The
tem per a ture range that per mits organ ic car bon com pounds to form
exists only on Earth. And this is a most nar row tem per a ture range. In
com par i son, the tem per a ture on Venus—the next plan et clos est to the
Sun in the Solar System, is 450 C (842 F). And on Mars, the next plan et
after Earth, the tem per a ture is –53 C (–63 F). In such burn ing heat and
freez ing cold, car bon can not form organ ic com pounds. And in space,
stars have tem per a tures of mil lions of degrees Centigrade (or
Fahrenheit), and the tem per a ture in open space itself is –273.15 C
(–460 F), or abso lute zero.
Within such a stun ning tem per a ture var i a tion, only Earth lies with -
in the tem per a ture range suit ed to car bon-based life forms—a great
bless ing and evi dence of a spe cial cre a tion. The impor tant thing is to
com pre hend one's need of Allah and to appre ci ate His great ness by see -
ing His match less art ist ry. Allah reveals this truth in the Qur'an, in the
fol low ing terms: