Page 67 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 67
by means of a sin gle atom, invis i ble to the naked eye. The enor mous
chem i cal dif fer ence that devel ops from the tiny atom ic dif fer ence
between water and hydro gen per ox ide shows evi dence of a supe ri or
cre a tion, the likes of which can not be imi tat ed in any way. Chance can
never account for the for ma tion of this immac u late struc ture, in which
a sin gle atom added to a mol e cule chan ges all its prop er ties. Such fine-
tun ing can only exist under the con trol of a supe ri or Will that belongs to
Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Carbon, the Basic Building Block of Life
When you look around, you real ize that every thing on Earth has
been spe cial ly cre at ed for life. On the molec u lar level, this fact man i fests
itself even more clear ly. In a realm in which atoms invis i ble to the naked
eye com bine togeth er, every thing is with out flaw. Take the ele ment car -
bon for exam ple. In many ways, car bon's being dif fer ent from the other
ele ments has made it indis pen sa ble to life. Carbon is the sixth ele ment
in the peri od ic table and con sti tutes the basis of a great many things,
from car tires to the nat u ral gas we use, and from the meat we eat to the
DNA in our cells.
The atoms com pris ing water
com bine with anoth er oxy gen
atom at spe cif ic ener gy and
tem per a ture lev els, to form a
mol e cule with the for mu la of
H 2 0. This might appear to be
only a small change. Yet this
newly added atom turns
water, which we can use for
drink ing, into hydro gen per -
ox ide, a toxic and harm ful liq -
Hydrogen per ox ide