Page 62 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 62
HArun yahya
Allah is He, Who cre at ed the heav ens and the Earth and sends down
water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits as pro vi sion for you.
He has made the ships sub serv i ent to you to run upon the sea by His
com mand, and He has made the riv ers sub serv i ent to you. (Surah
Ibrahim: 32)
The force that helps a tiny green grass seed emerge from the soil,
and lets giant trees grow sev er al hun dred meters (or sev er al hun dred
feet) tall, is again close ly relat ed to the mirac u lous prop er ties of water.
Due to its molec u lar prop er ty and meth od of bond ing, water enters a
plant's roots and extends upward along very nar row tubes inside. The
water's ascent may some times be tens of meters (hun dreds of feet), may
divide into doz ens of branch es and twigs. This prop er ty of water, which
other liq uids could not accom plish so eas i ly, is known as cap il la ry
move ment. At the same time, water is capa ble of being absorbed. As
soon as it comes into con tact with sub stan ces like wood or gel a tin, it is
able to pen e trate them. 18 The way that seeds begin sprout ing swell up
by absorb ing water also stems from this prop er ty of water's being
absorb a ble. If not, even though there were water and seeds under the
ground, then there would be no trace of the plant king dom and all life
on Earth would dis ap pear.
Because of the weak hydro gen bonds that bring water into exis -
tence, this mirac u lous mol e cule is able to exhib it heat resist ance. If the
air tem per a ture sud den ly rises, water's tem per a ture increas es more
slow ly. In the event of any sud den drop in air tem per a ture, water tem -
per a ture falls slow ly, and does not cool down as much as the air does. 19
This phys i cal behav ior is actu al ly a mar vel of cre a tion. If water did not
pos sess such an "insu lat ing" prop er ty, then water-dwell ing organ isms
could not with stand sud den vio lent tem per a ture chan ges, and would
soon die off. Moreover, we would also be affect ed. Since water con sti -
tutes around 70% of our bod ies, we would be imme di ate ly affect ed by
the tem per a ture, and become swift ly chilled or over heat ed.
Water is also an ideal per fect sol vent. A great many sub stan ces
(sugar in par tic u lar) dis solve eas i ly in water because they can build