Page 65 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 65

Water is a spe cial liq uid in
                                                    which mol e cu les are able to
                                                    move with ease. Despite
                                                    being a sol vent, water does
                                                    not dis solve the skel e ton.
                                                    Allah has com bined the cal -
                                                    ci um and phos phate mol e cu -
                                                    les that com prise our bones
                                                    in a spe cial way so as to pro -
                                                    tect them against the dis -
                                                    solv ing prop er ties of water.
                                                    As a result of this per fect
                                                    cre a tion, the mois ture in
                                                    your body does your bones
                                                    no harm.


                                   The hydra tion layer that forms with hydro gen bonds
                                   pre vents sodi um and chlo ride ions com bin ing togeth er,
             Bone tis sue          so that these two mol e cu les are una ble to form salt.

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