Page 60 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 60
HArun yahya
of lakes and seas, and the mass of water beneath the ice remains in a liq -
uid state. As a result of this, thou sands of water-dwell ing organ isms are
able to sur vive. At the same time, the ice at the sur face also acts as a pro -
tec tive layer that insu lates the under ly ing water and keeps it from grow -
ing too cold. The mass of water below chills to no cold er than 4 C (39 F),
which tem per a ture lets marine organ isms sur vive. This is anoth er spe -
cial cre a tion brought into being for liv ing things. If ice were denser than
water, lakes and oceans would begin to freeze from the bot tom, and
with no insu la tion, would freeze right up to the sur face. A large part of
Earth's north ern seas would con sist entire ly of ice, and aquat ic life
would come to an end.
Under the effect of hydro gen bonds,
bod ies of water always begin to
freeze from the sur face. This means
that all liv ing things under the ice
have a shel ter in the win ter. Water in
the lower lev els chills to no less than
4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees
Fahrenheit). By means of this spe cial
bal ance cre at ed by Allah, liv ing
things in the water under neath can
sur vive the win ter.