Page 55 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 55


             per cent of the fresh water is solid i fied at the poles. The remain ing 1 per -
             cent of the total water is drink a ble, but most of that is inac cess i bly deep
             ground wa ter. Thus, only 0.05 per cent of the water run ning through
             lakes and streams is read i ly avail a ble. Yet even this small quan ti ty is
             suf fi cient for liv ing things on Earth to sur vive.  13
                 Significantly, the salt water of all the seas and oceans that com pris -
             es 97% of the Earth's water actu al ly serves human beings and other
             land-dwell ing life. As a result of the accu mu la tion in the clouds of water
             evap o rat ed from the oceans, and that later descends to earth in the form
             of rain, that fresh water reach es the dry land. The seas and oceans cov -
             er ing more than 70% of the plan et's sur face are at the ideal lev els for this
             evap o ra tion. Were the amount of dry land any great er, then arid lands
             and deserts would increase enor mous ly. Were it any less, then the areas
             remain ing would become unpro duc tive for agri cul ture due to the exces -
             sive rain that they would receive.
                 Allah has cre at ed the Earth's land-water ratio at the ideal level to
             sup port human life and gives us clean water that we could not acquire
             unless He so wished. This fact is revealed in a verse:
                 Have you thought about the water that you drink? Is it you who sent
                 it down from the clouds or are We the Sender? (Surat al-Waqi‘a: 68-
                 Inside itself and around it, water shel ters a great many liv ing spe -
             cies. Even the small est drop of water may con tain hun dreds of micro or -
             gan isms. Water is also found inside liv ing organ ism, and com pris es
             between 50% and 95% of all the bod ies of all liv ing things.
                 The way that water is formed—by the com ing togeth er of two
             hydro gen atoms and one oxy gen atom—is just as thought-pro vok ing as
             its fea tures and uses. It is actu al ly rath er dif fi cult for these two atoms to
             come togeth er in such a way as to form water. When you bring hydro -
             gen and oxy gen atoms togeth er in a con trolled envi ron ment like a test
             tube, you can not see them sud den ly com bine into water mol e cu les. You
             could not achieve such an out come even if you wait ed for hun dreds of

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