Page 56 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 56

HArun yahya

               years. Water would appear in the tube only after thou -
               sands of years, and then in only very small quan ti ties.
               And that is still a remote pos si bil i ty.
                    So how can we obtain such a vital neces si ty for life?
               As you know, a high level of ener gy—there fore, a high
               tem per a ture—is nec es sa ry for cer tain mol e cu les to come
               into being or under go chan ges. The same applies to water.
               In order for two mol e cu les of hydro gen (H) and one of
               oxy gen (O), to com bine togeth er and form water, they
               need to con tact one anoth er. During that proc ess, the
               chem i cal bonds that form the hydro gen and oxy gen mol -
               e cu les weak en, and the atoms link up in such a way as to
               cre ate a new mol e cule: water. At present, the tem per a -
               tures on Earth are too low to per mit any pos si bil i ty of new
               water for ma tion. The water cur rent ly on Earth is at a level
               formed as a result of the high tem per a tures dur ing the
               birth of the plan et. 14  That amount can never change.
               Under the effect of dif fer ing tem per a tures, water can be
               found in three dif fer ent states. Solid-state water appears
               in the form of giant polar ice caps, where it seems to have
               been espe cial ly reserved. The water we use even tu al ly
               evap o rates and rises into the air in its gas e ous state, and
               returns to Earth in a liq uid form—rain. Thus the water
               you drink, use and absorb with the food you eat reg u lar -
               ly returns to us in a more puri fied form. In short, by
               means of its spe cial ly impart ed fea tures, we can use the
               same water over and over again. At Allah's behest, water
               is con stant ly bestowed on us in a puri fied state:
                    . . . We send down from heav en pure water so that by
                    it We can bring a dead land to life and give drink to
                    many of the ani mals and peo ple We cre at ed. (Surat al-
                    Furqan: 48-49)

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