Page 61 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 61


                 Water has other impor tant prop er ties. For exam ple, when you gen -
             tly place a very light shav ing of metal on still water, you'll see that it
             remains on the sur face, rath er than sink ing to the bot tom. Also, cer tain
             insects are also able to walk across water with out dif fi cul ty. Metal is
             heav i er than water, as are many insects, 16  so how can they remain on
             the sur face in this way? The rea son, once again, points to water's being
             delib er ate ly  cre at ed.  The  hydro gen  bonds  that  hold  water  mol e cu les
             togeth er give rise to sur face ten sion, which aris es when mol e cu les on
             the water's sur face estab lish bonds amongst them selves and also with
             mol e cu les beneath. 17  For an insect's legs to sink down into the water,
             some of these hydro gen bonds must be bro ken. If water lacked these
             prop er ties, then fish would require a large amount of ener gy in order to
             be able to swim, and there might not be the same vari e ty of spe cies liv -
             ing in water than there is now.
                 These prop er ties of water, which are so famil iar but sel dom reflect -
             ed on, are a great bless ing from Allah. Water acquires such char ac ter is -
             tics, and liv ing things are able to sur vive on it and in it because Allah so
             wish es. Allah has set out this fact in a verse:

             The mol e cu les on the water sur face estab -
             lish hydro gen bonds with one anoth er and
             also with those beneath, giv ing rise tosur -
             face ten sion. Some of these hydro gen bonds
             need to break in order for a light insect to
             sink beneath the water's sur face.

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