Page 66 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 66

HArun yahya

               equipped it with the ideal prop er ties for liv ing things long before the
               first liv ing organ ism came into exis tence. The fact that all of water's
               prop er ties arise from what is inher ent in two atoms of hydro gen and
               one of oxy gen shows the flaw less depth of detail in His sub lime cre a -
               tion. Allah reveals in one verse:
                    In the cre a tion of the heav ens and Earth, and the alter na tion of the
                    night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to peo ple's ben e fit,
                    and the water which Allah sends down from the sky—by which He
                    brings the Earth to life when it was dead and scat ters about in it crea -
                    tures of every kind—and the var y ing direc tion of the winds, and the
                    clouds sub serv i ent between heav en and Earth, there are Signs for
                    peo ple who use their intel lect. (Surat al-Baqara: 164)

                    The Addıtıon of One Extra Oxygen Atom Can Turn
                    Water Poısonous
                    At spe cif ic heat and ener gy lev els, the three atoms that make up a
               water mol e cule can com bine with a sec ond oxy gen atom, trans form ing
               the for mu la H20 into H2O2. This seem ing ly minor alter a tion chan ges all
               the mol e cule's chem i cal prop er ties. When it takes on anoth er oxy gen
               atom, the ben e fi cial liq uid we were for mer ly able to drink eas i ly turns
               into hydro gen per ox ide, a sub stance with entire ly toxic prop er ties.
                    Hydrogen per ox ide is a pow er ful oxi dant that destroys or severe ly
               dam a ges any organ ic com pounds that come into con tact with it.
               Because of its toxic effect, it plays a role in form ing fog and pol lu tion in
               the air. Due to its pow er ful chem i cal effects, it is also effect ive bleach,
               oxi diz ing and elim i nat ing pig ments such as mel a nin, which are respon -
               si ble for black, brown and sandy col ors. In dilute solu tion, this sub -
               stance is used to turn dark hair blonde.  21
                    By itself, the way that atoms pro duce mol e cu les with a wide vari e -
               ty of fea tures shows a most sub lime art ist ry. However, for a sin gle atom
               to turn a mol e cule from entire ly use ful to entire ly harm ful, and into a
               toxic prod uct from one nec es sa ry for life, is astound ing. What this mar -
               vel means is that when Allah so wish es, He can cre ate new prop er ties

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