Page 64 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 64
HArun yahya
hydro gen bonds with it. Molecules such as salt or min er als, joined with
ionic bonds, can also dis solve eas i ly in water. Its sol vent prop er ty is also
very impor tant to our own bod ies; it creates a per fect vehi cle to trans -
port nutri ents to our cells. At the same time, water at body tem per a ture
is an ideal liq uid for the move ment of mol e cu les inside the cell. Despite
its sol vent prop er ties, how e ver, water cannot dis solve cal ci um phos -
phate, so that your own body flu ids do not dis solve the bones of your
skel e tons. 20 This spe cial molec u lar struc ture that con sti tutes your bones
is made up in a par tic u lar way to with stand the sol vent prop er ty of
Different mol e cu les assume dif fer ent forms inside your body, itself
the result of the mul ti pli ca tion of a sin gle cell, to bestow dif fer ent fea -
tures on you. While all these ana tom i cal chan ges were tak ing place, how
could mol e cu les them selves have decid ed that those to be trans port ed
inside the cell should be sol u ble in water but that your bones should be
resist ant? How can cells know that nutri ents need to dis solve in water?
It is of course illog i cal to expect any cells to be famil iar with mol e cu les,
know their appro pri ate lev els of sol ven cy, and take pre cau tions before -
hand to ensure the ideal metab o lism.
These are Allah's sub lime cre a tion. Allah has cre at ed all these
prop er ties pos sessed by a human fetus, who begins to grow inside his
moth er's womb, and all the mol e cu les in that body. This is revealed in
anoth er verse:
Allah – Him from Whom noth ing is hid den, either on Earth or in
heav en. It is He Who forms you in the womb how e ver He wills.
There is no god but Him, the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surah Al
‘Imran: 5-6)
Only since the 20th cen tu ry we humans have been able to inves ti -
gate the sub stan ces that com prise the uni verse at the molec u lar level.
Water, how e ver, was set out in per fect quan ti ties when this Earth was
com ing into being and intel li gent ly cre at ed with all the ideal attrib utes
for the for ma tion of life. It's a mir a cle whose detailed prop er ties sci en -
tists have only recent ly dis cov ered. However, Allah cre at ed water and