Page 52 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 52
HArun yahya
e live in a uni verse con sist ing of com bi na tions of mol -
e cu les. Some, such as meth ane or hydro gen, are small -
er and sim pler. Others, like the so-called organ ic mol -
e cu les, have exceed ing ly large and com plex struc tures. Some are
respon si ble for smell and taste. Some drift in the air, while still oth ers
give rise to our bod ies or the mag nif i cent beau ty in the heav ens and the
depths of the seas.
In short, the atoms of the 109 dif fer ent chem i cal ele ments com bine
in var i ous forms to con sti tute every thing around us. The spe cial fea tures
of these cre a tions allow very dif fer ent mate ri al prop er ties to emerge.
Sometimes a sin gle atom added to a mol e cule may turn it into a toxic
sub stance. A sin gle atom added or removed can turn an ined i ble mol e -
cule into a nour ish ing one, or a sharp and sour smell into the delight ful
fra grance of a rose. The same atoms, if bond ed to one anoth er in dif fer -
ent arrange ments, can change the mol e cule's color, or solid i fy a fluid
sub stance. The uni verse is an arena where this match less art ist ry, whose
secrets sci en tists haven't yet total ly unrav eled, is dis played. The mir a -
cles cre at ed by Allah in an infin i tes i mal, invis i ble world exhib it His infi -
nite knowl edge and sub lime art ist ry.
In order to see this art ist ry up close, we need to exam ine the fea -
tures that mol e cu les pos sess, and how they have been spe cial ly cre at ed
for life to exist.
The Great Miracle of Water
Every mol e cule in the uni verse is cre at ed with excep tion al ly del i -
cate bal an ces. Perhaps one of the most impor tant mol e cu les that Allah
has cre at ed, whose supe ri or characteristics are most essen tial for our
lives, is the water mol e cule, spe cial ly brought into being to ensure the
sur viv al of all life on Earth. Let us have a clos er look at the water mol e -
cule to bet ter grasp this mar vel of Allah's supe ri or cre a tion.
The large amounts of water on the Earth are present in three dif fer -
ent states: liq uid, gas and solid. Of that, 97 per cent is too salty, and 75