Page 49 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 49
exam ple, if every thing were affect ed at the same tem per a ture at which
water boils, then noth ing, the pro teins and cells in our bod ies includ ed,
could remain sta ble. Yet we never encoun ter such a dan ger, because
every thing in the uni verse has a deter mined bal ance and meas ure. The
fact that water evap o rates when it reach es a spe cif ic tem per a ture makes
this mol e cule vital ly impor tant. The water cycle on Earth is the result of
this spe cial ly cre at ed sys tem of evap o ra tion and con den sa tion.
Every mol e cule pos sess es a fea ture estab lish ing its state at this very
moment. This, of course, is a sign of the might of Allah, Who has deter -
mined a meas ure for all things and Who has cre at ed every meas ure in
har mo ny with all oth ers. In one verse, He reveals:
... He encom pass es what is in their hands and has count ed the exact
num ber of every thing. (Surat al-Jinn: 28)