Page 46 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 46
HArun yahya
Why do your hands become warm er when you rub them togeth er?
Why do two sticks smol der when you rub them swift ly togeth er? The
mol e cu les begin mov ing fast er. The feel ing of heat in your hands is the
result of the ener gy pro duced by that move ment.
Though mol e cu les are in a con stant motion, gen er al ly we never
per ceive this. The mol e cu les in the pat terns on your table cloth are also
in motion, but you never see those pat terns become impaired or
deformed. Your face also con sists of mol e cu les, also in motion, but this
never leads to any defects aris ing. Every object on Earth, even the most
micro scop ic, is in con stant motion. Yet there is no sign of this to be seen
around you.
But mol e cu les' move ments are by no means hap haz ard. The mol -
e cu les slid ing over one anoth er in liq uids, mov ing away from one
anoth er in gas ses and hud dled close up against one anoth er in
solids never depart from this order. The mol e cu les that
com prise a glass never split away from one anoth er
Water assumes a solid form
when its mol e cu les are clos -
est to one anoth er. When
heat ed, it turns into a liq uid
and the mol e cu les slip over
one anoth er due to their
increased motion.