Page 43 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 43
Can you imag ine how many elec trons are trav el ing among the mil -
lions of atoms in a sin gle punc tu a tion mark? The emer gence of such a
broad, wide-ran ging uni verse from such a micro scop ic sphere, which
even a pow er ful elec tron micro scope shows as a blurred cloud of dust,
is quite extraor di na ry. The emer gence of some thing out of noth ing—of
weight and sub stance from emp ti ness, color from col or less, and scent
from no odor are all proofs of the supe ri or nature of Allah's cre a tion.
It is Allah, Lord of infi nite intel lect, might and knowl edge, sov er -
eign over the earth and sky, Who cre ates all things, from sub a tom ic par -
ti cles to moun tains, stars and human beings. This is revealed in this
Allah, there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. He
is not sub ject to drow si ness or sleep. Everything in the heav ens and
the Earth belongs to Him. Who can inter cede with Him except by
His per mis sion? He knows what is before them and what is behind
them but they can not grasp any of His knowl edge save what He
wills. His Footstool encom pass es the heav ens and the Earth and
their pres er va tion does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the
Magnificent. (Surat al-Baqara: 255)
Molecules' Ceaseless Motion
When you sit qui et ly in a room, with no nois es around you, you
imag ine that noth ing is mov ing. Yet in fact, every thing around you—
not just the air—is in a con stant state of motion. How can that be?
Electrons, the small est par ti cles in the mol e cu les that com pose you
and this book you are read ing, con stant ly revolve at a veloc i ty of 1000
kil o me ters (621 miles) per sec ond. In addi tion, these mol e cu les are also
in con stant motion. The veloc i ty of the mol e cu les trav el ing in empty
space is rough ly equiv a lent to that of a bul let leav ing the muz zle of a
gun—great er than 1 kil o me ter (0.621 miles) per sec ond. 11
The tril lions of mol e cu les in the air col lide with each other bil lions
of times every sec ond and con tin ue on until they strike one anoth er
again. Thus when you imag ine you are sit ting all alone, per fect ly still,