Page 47 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 47
When heat ed up, water
attains a gas e ous state and
the mol e cu les sep a rate from
one anoth er even fur ther and
begin mov ing away from one
anoth er in the air. The tem -
per a ture that caus es water to
boil is a spe cial value deter -
mined by Allah.
for no rea son. A spe cif ic tem per a ture is need ed in order to
break the mol e cu les up. This level has been deter mined with a
per fect meas ure. For exam ple, the tem per a ture at which water
mol e cu les decom pose is quite spe cif ic—212 Fahrenheit. Yet that
same tem per a ture does not decom pose the mol e cu les in a sauce pan.
That is why we are able to boil water in a sauce pan. A far great er tem -
per a ture would be required for the mol e cu les in the sauce pan to split
What would hap pen if this were not ensured by such a del i cate and
bound ed equi lib ri um, or by the unchang ing stand ards referred to by
sci en tists as the laws of nature? Were there no such equi lib ri um, then
every thing on Earth would melt at the same cer tain tem per a ture. For