Page 34 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 34

HArun yahya

               two atoms' exchange of elec trons is known as a chem i cal bond. Yet there
               is actu al ly no "bond" at all, just one elec tron pass ing back and forth
               between two atoms. What binds the atoms togeth er is the jour ney that
               elec tron makes from one atom to the other. The form of these chem i cal
               bonds—essen tial ly, elec tron shar ing—and the nature and the num bers
               of the atoms that com bine togeth er, deter mines the struc ture and nature
               of the mol e cule. In order to clar i fy the sub ject, let's first exam ine the
               chem i cal bonds that per mit mol e cu les to form.

                    A free ly mov ing atom is attract ed or repulsed by other atoms
               around it. Under this effect, two atoms may approach and attach to one
               anoth er, become re-arranged to achieve a sta ble struc ture. This results in
               the atoms sur ren der ing their own dis tinc tive prop er ties and com ing
               into pos ses sion of new fea tures togeth er, and form ing a new sub stance
               with entire ly dif fer ent char ac ter is tics. For exam ple, two hydro gen atoms
               and an oxy gen atom that join togeth er give rise to a new struc ture—a
               sta ble water mol e cule.
                    If the newly emerged com pound were not sta ble, it would soon
               dis solve. By anal o gy, a new organ trans plant ed into a patient's body
               dur ing a trans plant oper a tion will impair the sta ble struc ture of that
               body unless it can adapt itself. In a sim i lar way, atoms that com bine
               togeth er must pro duce a sta ble com pound by adapt ing to one anoth er.
                    Electrons have vital ly impor tant ways of bond ing in order for the
               result ing mol e cu les to remain sta ble, and every atom employs the bond -
               ing form appro pri ate to it. Let us now exam ine these bonds.

                    Atoms Engaged ın Electron Exchanges Construct
                    Ionıc Bonds
                    The elec tron exchange among atoms is anal o gous to part ners pool -
               ing their cap i tal to start a new busi ness. If one of the par ties lacks suf fi -
               cient funds to open a new plant, that per son will declare him self a part -

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