Page 36 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 36

HArun yahya

                             Sodium Atom                Chlorine Atom

                             Sodium Atom                Chlorine Atom

               The sodi um atom donates its sin gle out er most elec tron to the chlo rine atom with its
               seven out er most elec trons in order for both to attain a sta ble state. The mol e cule
               formed by these two atoms, bound togeth er with an ionic bond, is sodi um chlo ride, the
               table salt you use in every day life. But by itself, sodi um is explo sive and chlo rine is poi -
               son ous.

               formed—and the result of this part ner ship is the salt you use in cook ing
               and eat ing. Ordinary table salt is noth ing more than a sin gle elec tron
               exchanged between these two atoms. One impor tant point to remem ber
               is that pure sodi um is actu al ly explo sive, and that pure chlo rine, a gas,
               is poi son ous. Yet as a result of flaw less plan ning, the mix ture of explo -
               sive and poi son ous atoms emer ges as a sub stance that meets our culi na -
               ry needs.

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