Page 35 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 35


             ner and bor row the need ed
             amount of cap i tal from anoth er
             part ner. Thus a last ing busi ness
             agree ment is arrived at. When the
             avail a ble cap i tal grows, the num -
             ber of even tu al part ners may rise.
                 The exchange among atoms
             may be com pared to this. We have
             already men tioned elec trons'
             orbits. The num ber of elec trons in
                                               Atoms achieve a sta ble struc ture only
             an atom's out er most orbit always  when the num ber of elec trons in their
                                               outer shell reach es 8. The neon is a very
             is eight. If atoms have fewer elec -  sta ble atom with eight elec trons in its out -
             trons than eight, they need to    er most orbit.
             estab lish  part ner ships  in  which
             they share elec trons, and in this
             way, mol e cu les can pos sess a sta ble struc ture. To form com pounds (i.e,
             part ner ships), atoms must either donate elec trons from their out er most
             orbit around the nucle us to anoth er atom, or else bor row one or more
             elec trons from that atom. Following this exchange, the elec tron-donat -
             ing atom will have a pos i tive charge and the receiv ing atom a neg a tive
             one. Since oppo sites attract, these two atoms will not split apart from
             one anoth er. In this way is formed what's known as an ionic bond, and a
             mol e cule results.
                 For the trans fer of a large num ber of elec trons in exchan ges
             between atoms, a con sid er a ble amount of ener gy is nec es sa ry. For that
             rea son, the most eco nom i cal part ner ship is deter mined. For exam ple, a
             chlo rine atom has seven elec trons in its outer orbit. Instead of lend ing
             seven elec trons to anoth er atom, it will be enough to receive one elec -
             tron from anoth er atom in order to com plete its "cap i tal." The most
             appro pri ate atom to donate an elec tron is sodi um, because of the sin gle
             extra elec tron it pos sess es in its outer shell. When sodi um lend ing its
             one spare elec tron to the chlo rine atom, the sodi um chlo ride mol e cule is

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