Page 37 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 37


                 The busi ness part ner ship we used as an anal o gy is a con scious
             agree ment between two ration al human beings, per formed after cer tain
             anal y ses, with prof it and loss being taken into account. A human part -
             ner ship may give rise to var i ous prob lems, and today's anal y ses may no
             longer be valid tomor row. Yet the exchange that takes place between
             mol e cu les is sound and troub le-free. Every atom behaves as if it knows
             that it should have eight elec trons in its out er most orbit. So far, no
             molec u lar part ner ship has ever taken place with seven elec trons, or with
             nine. In addi tion to cal cu lat ing the num ber of elec trons in their respec -
             tive outer orbits, atoms must also deter mine wheth er it will be more
             prof it a ble to donate or receive elec trons.
                 Can this con scious ness belong to the atom itself? Does the atom
             plan its bond ing or become aware of it? Such an idea is of course impos -
             si ble. That con scious plan ning belongs to Allah, Who cre ates atoms and
             inspires in them their sys tem at ic, iner rant behav ior.
                 The outer elec tron shell that ena bles atoms to con struct bonds with
             one anoth er and which per mits chem i cal reac tions is a mir a cle by itself.
             If atoms had no tend en cy to limit the num ber of elec trons in their out -
             er most orbits, then no mol e cu les or com pounds could form any where in
             the uni verse, and life would there fore not be pos si ble. So why do atoms
             have such a tend en cy? Scientists have no answer to that ques tion!
                 The only expla na tion for the way that atoms are struc tured to form
             com pounds ide al ly suit ed to life, is cre a tion. The atom ic struc ture has
             been deter mined in such a way as to make pos si ble the for ma tion of
             chem i cal bonds, and Allah has cre at ed the laws of nature that will per -
             mit this per fect order. This again reminds us that He has cre at ed the
             entire uni verse, and of the pur pose and great wis dom behind His cre a -
             tion. In one verse, Allah states:
                 This is Allah's cre a tion. Show me then what those besides Him have
                 cre at ed! The wrong do ers are clear ly mis guid ed. (Surah Luqman: 11)

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